
Part 14: Five More Missle Upgrades
In this room there are three cells and a hopper. The three cells just bounce off the walls and can be very tricky to avoid. Its best to freeze them since the room is small and overcrowded. The next room is a vertical one, jump onto the platforms and then start shooting the stack of the disappearing/reappearing blocks. Make your way up and watch out for the drifters. Enter the next room, which is the same room as before without the hopper. Freeze some
cells to make your life easier. Then roll up and blow up the blocks. Keep rolling right and blow up the gray block. Collect the first missle upgrade in front of you and take out the sweeper. Ahead is yet another missle upgrade. Watch out for the two hoppers and crawlers, exit the room and enter what looks like a dead end. But its not, roll up into a sphere and drop bombs on the second block from the right wall. Samus will fall through another secret passage. Enter
the door on the left, avoid the hoppers and crawler to reach another missle upgrade. Keep going left and freeze the sweeper to reach another missle upgrade. Keep going left to reach another missle upgrade. Too bad that was the last one, there is nothing else in this room. Exit this room to be back in the vertical room. Drop all the way down and plant some bombs on the second block from the right wall. Drop down into a vertical room.
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