
Part 22: Journey Down to Kraid's Lair
Just keep going until you're in a small room with a bunch of crawlers and reappearing blocks. Like all small rooms, this one is actually bigger. Plant bombs and roll down into the area below. There is only one door on the bottom, blast it open and take the elevator down. You are now in Kraid's Lair, this area doesn't have any new special abilities and that is good news since you already have all the special abilities. The only powerups left in the
game are upgrades. After the elevator ride, go down and enter the first door to the left. Stay still and keep shooting at the annoying hornets until they stop coming. If you miss the hornet it will hit the last diver. Now walk close to the edge, enough so the diver can come down. Step back and kill it. Now all you have to worry about is one diver. Next walk up to the wall and roll up, plant a bomb, hold left and wait for the explosion to boost Samus into
the hidden gap. On the otherside is the next missle upgrade and also a jumper. A jumper is kinda like a sweeper, but instead keeps jumping. You will meet quite a few of them in Kraid's Lair. Next head right back to the elevator room and this time go through the door to the right. But you will need five missles to open this one. Watch out for the ceiling jumper and hornets. The next missle upgrade isn't too far either, go get your five missles back.
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